Monday, October 13, 2008

The neighbors that we never hanged out with

It was Friday (10th October) Udara called me and said there is some rowing competition on Saturday, since i didn't have any plans i thought of going there. Saturday morning my sis asked me whether i could drop her at the rowing club and i said that i'm also going there around 4pm. What Udara told me the other day turned out to be a rowing competition where my sisters was planning on going.

Me, Udara. Natty, my sister and her friend went there and it was quite boring for us but all the school people seemed to enjoy a lot. After some time my neighbors showed up. Now, me and Udara are neighbors and we know each other for about 20 years, but these kids we knew that they are always there but we never hanged out with them. Had a little chat and they seems to be nice :)

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